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MuleSoft Accelerator for Financial Services

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Release notes


13 December 2022

Unlocking Jack Henry SilverLake core use case

This use case introduces the Jack Henry SilverLake core as the Core Banking system implementation, which allows customers to synchronize Salesforce Financial Services Cloud data with SilverLake.

From a technical perspective, this release introduces major changes to the way the synchronization of customer profiles and financial data is being handled - particularly with respect to the management of reference data. The net result is a simplified set of data synchronization processes with support for plugging in different reference data providers (e.g., Salesforce) in a future release.

The generic database implementations were also migrated from a MySQL provider to MariaDB. This change makes it feasible to publish database-dependent assets to GovCloud without sacrificing support from AWS RDS.

Finally, although the net impact on API implementations is minimal, it is important to note that the custom FINS data models (provided via the FINS Common Library, FINS Banking Library, and FINS Insurance Library assets) have been consolidated within the existing CIM model by introducing two new libraries: the CIM Setup Library and the CIM FINS Extension Library. This moves us closer to having a consistent canonical model that is more closely aligned with the Salesforce Customer 360 Data Model.


13 September 2022

Optimize customer experiences with CDP use case

This use case provides support for ingesting data from multiple sources into CDP to optimize customer experiences by using the results of CDP activations by providing Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) with marketing insights

BIAN compliant assets

This solution provides BIAN-compliant assets, including API specs and implementation templates. Discover and use over 50 assets in key business domains including servicing, sales, cards, loans, and deposits.


15 July 2022

Client onboarding - Wealth management use case

This use case enables a streamlined and automated client onboarding solution. Wealth management client service teams will be able to reduce the risk of manual errors by integrating systems and digitizing workflows


28 April 2022

Address change orchestration use case

Introduces the Address change orchestration use case. There are two extensions of this use case:

  • Use case 4a - Address change orchestration: Insurance — Streamline downstream events that result from policyholder or carrier postal address adjustments. The address change orchestration use case for insurance delivers a solution for address confirmation, seamless policyholder data updates, and single home policy coverage assessments, resulting in faster policyholder premium updates.
  • Use case 4b - Address change orchestration: Banking — Enhance your customer service teams’ upsell, cross-sell, and service opportunities that result from customer postal code address changes. The address change orchestration use case for banking supports faster address validation and increased customer service opportunities, including personalized products and offers.


21 March 2022

Minor updates

A few assets were updated to correct minor issues, including:

  • Database creation scripts
  • Visualizer layer assignments
  • Documentation updates

28 January 2022

Payments modernization use case

Introduces the Payments modernization use case, which accelerates the development of modern payment solutions for Financial Institutions. Banks and Credit Unions will be able to deliver a diverse payments landscape that can address multiple types of financial transactions and customer needs.


16 November 2021

Core banking enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements:

  • Added more information to both the customer accounts sync and customer onboarding use cases
  • Added credit card functionality
  • Added full two-way synchronization capabilities between customer accounts, transactions, and credit cards

See the Upgrade notes for more information.


09 September 2021

Customer onboarding use case

Introduces the Customer onboarding - Banking use case, which allows leverages Salesforce Financial Services Cloud as the system of engagement, DocuSign as the document management system, and Equifax as the credit analysis system.


27 July 2021

Initial release

This is the first release of the MuleSoft Accelerator for Financial Services.

This accelerator also introduces the Core banking foundation use case, which allows for the display of a customer’s financial summary from multiple systems. The customer and customer service representative (CSR) views are supported in this release.


OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onDec 16, 2022
Contact nameMuleSoft Solutions
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.7.x

Asset versions